We've had that old magnet on board for many years now that was a gift from my dad. Now popularity in the hobby has grown so much everyone knows what it is! I've got people requesting the magnet after seeing it on my website, waiting their turn, passing it around on their trips, wishing they had more time to play! Literally wearing it out! That super cool gift from dad more than served its purpose. I decided for 2024 it was time to step up the magnet fishing offering!
Brute Magnetics is the leader in name and quality and I've got enough that you don't need to share. Did you know that you can magnet fish anywhere? But like real fishing, there are places that are better. Ledges where debris tends settle behind. Ramps where people lose things. Popular fishing hot spots produce lures. And guess what, I know all of these spots! With its growing popularity I am now going to offer full-time magnet fishing on afternoon trips! We will cover a lot of water and see some beautiful nature along the way. It's a great way to enjoy a day on the river if real fishing isn't your families thing or if you just want to try something new! We can go to all of the hot spots and go treasure hunting! And whatever you find is yours! Or if you just want to magnet fish after you catch some fish, we can do that do! Choice is yours! SO excited to see what treasures you find! *Magnet fishing is not available on night trips. Only on afternoon trips and first half of combo trips and when not actively fishing. Throwing the magnet is loud and will scare the fish away.