Sarah~ "Wow! what a good time. Fully recommend to any lady that has an urge to know and learn more about fishing. As someone who has fished my whole life in different places and with different people, I learned so much from tying knots to proper bait and applications. As a women people feel the need to just hand us a rod ready to go, NOT today ladies Captain Jaime said let’s learn! From start to finish now I know how to rig a pole. This is great for one day I won’t have my father to do it for me. Thanks for the opportunity and knowledge Captain Jamie, until next time.

Sara~ "I had a really great day being out on the water with other ladies who had the want to learn and to get a little more comfortable with fishing! We learned how to tie proper knots and got to practice a couple times to make sure we were comfortable with it before moving on. Jaime maked us put our new skill to use with us tying our own rigs. I know I am a better hands on learner then watching a video and we got to learn in a great step by step style. I learned the correct way to put a worm on a hook "not just a ball of worm on a hook" so the presentation to the fish makes more sense. We got to go through different types of artificial bait and ask questions that we may not have asked a male in our life. I highly recommend this to other women that want to learn more about fishing! I walked away with a better understanding of the basics to fishing! I feel confident that I could go out fishing by myself and know what I was doing."

Jamie K~ "Had an amazing time and learned a lot!! I can't wait to be able to tie my own hooks now instead of having my husband do it for me. Thank you for everything you do!"

Rebecca~ "This clinic is pretty awesome! Captain Jaime from Breakline Charters is pretty cool and makes you feel comfortable and welcomes all questions. By far best time and very knowledgeable. Even showed my husband a few things when I got home lol"

Carla~ "It was a great time learned a lot. Really impressed by the knowledge imparted and appreciated the ground up approach as I was really a newbie! But even though I squealed I was glad I hooked a worm.  Served me well today! Also having only women made the trip very comfortable and easier to speak up with questions. Thank you!"

Ladies On-Water Clinics

Dates are announced on FB, and are first come first serve! They are open to individual ladies and a max of 6. We have so much fun out there!  I'm using my position and knowledge to help my fellow lady anglers and aspiring lady anglers, feel comfortable, confident and be knowledgeable on the water AND when you walk into the tackle shop. You'll know what you need and how to use it for success.


Danielle~ "Great trip, great group and great information. I’d recommend to any skill level. Learning the snell and improved clinch knot was probably my favorite part… even if my spit was subpar to the process.  🤣  I forgot how much I love being out on the water. Jaime is a true delight, extremely knowledgeable and a great teacher. Looking forward to booking a charter and putting my knots to use. We didn’t take home a goat, but I guess spending time with my sister will suffice (Jamie Fishel-Kolaric) thanks again! 10/10!"

New for 2024!

Alyssa~"Thank you for the new knowledge of the hows, whys, where’s and when’s! That was the first time I ever tied a snell knot!"